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CANKIT - CANbus kit with Microcontroller and Cable
CANKIT - CANbus kit with Microcontroller and Cable
The EVTV CAN KIT contains a generic multicontroller clone of the popular Arduino Due board, a dual channel CAN bus shield with microSD card slot and EEPROM and a USB cable.
Arduino has just released a new 32-bit ARM based version of their popular multicontroller they call the Arduino Due. It actually has TWO Controller Area Network (CAN) controllers built into it - but no transceivers
In a stunning second omission, Arduino Due provides NO EEPROM for persistent memory. You can't save variables from one power up to another.
Ergo the EVTV CANDue Version 2.2 Dual Channel CAN bus Shield for Arduino Due. This card features TWO CAN channels along with the transceivers to enable them - tied to the CAN controller pins on the Due.
Additionally, it provides a Single Wire CAN channel with connections for any load resistor for the circuit.
We also included a 2 Megabit EEPROM chip - 256kbytes of storage for persistent variables or pixel data.
And finally, we included a microSD card slot to hold up to 128GB of removable memory for logging data.
Convenient screw terminal connections allow you to tap into the vehicle 12v and chassis ground to power the entire rig of multicontroller and CAN bus board. It also can read and write CAN messages to your vehicle OBDII CAN bus.
We also include the generic multicontroller board itself - a clone of the Arduino Due board.
FInally, there is a single analog channel with resistor for reading Negative Temperature Coefficient NTC thermistors to calculate temperature.
You can download a library to provide all this CANbus goodness here at CAN library .
If you have any aspirations to develop devices to read your OBDII connector on your car, and maybe spoof some things back on it, this kit provides everything you need except your software and an enclosure.
Kit includes:
1. Generic Arduino Due Clone
2. EVTV CANDue 2.0 dual channel CAN bus shield with EEPROM and microSD card slot
3. USB cable.
Collin Kidder has done both a CAN library for Arduino Due and a laptop program titled SavvyCAN that runs on Window, Linux, or Mac OSX computers to perform advanced data analysis on CAN message traffic, including graphing capabilities, load/save .dbc definition files, selective playback of CAN logs by message, and much more. CANDue kit and SavvyCAN were the tools we had to develop to reverse engineer Tesla's highly integrated electric vehicle, to make the components useful for the rest of us.
CANDue 2.2 User Manual
CAN_DUE.ZIP This is Collin Kidder's Arduino library for developing CAN applications on the Arduino Due. Absolutely essential for using the CANDue shield.
This example program allows you to use the CAN Kit as a data logger to log CAN traffic to a microSD card. It uses the onboard EEPROM, the microSD card, and the CAN ports demonstrating how to access these hardware devices using the included libraries.
This Generalized Vehicle Reverse Engineering Tool GVRET runs on CANDue to communicate with the SavvyCAN application program for CAN data capture and analysis.
SavvyCAN LINUX SavvyCAN is a desktop CAN analysis program - run on any laptop connected to CANDue running GVRET for a full CAN data analysis tool. Linux Version
SavvyCAN OSX SavvyCAN is a desktop CAN analysis program - run on any laptop connected to CANDue running GVRET for a full CAN data analysis tool. Mac OSX 64bit Version
SavvyCAN Windows 64 bit SavvyCAN is a desktop CAN analysis program - run on any laptop connected to CANDue running GVRET for a full CAN data analysis tool. Windoze 64 bit version.
SavvyCAN Windows 32 bit SavvyCAN is a desktop CAN analysis program - run on any laptop connected to CANDue running GVRET for a full CAN data analysis tool. Windoze 32 bit version.
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